Federal Republic of Nigeria, Ogun State, the « Ile Dotun » case
From 2016 to 2020, LDN Advisory carried out a feasibility study to demonstrate the sustainability of a Large-Scale Degraded Land Restoration project (108,000 ha).
Republic of Rwanda, a certified specialty coffee project
January 2023, French CIRAD and LDN Advisory for 5 local cooperatives and the company Coopac, a leader in Rwanda in certified « Fair-trade and Organic » specialty coffee.
Republic of Cameroon, Sub-prefecture of Nkolmetet, the « Nkolmetet Ngombafan » project
In 2022, LDN Advisory was approached to carry out a Restoration Feasibility Study for 80,000 hectares.
The objective of the mission was to design a plan for the landscape degradation neutralisation while reactivating the territory economic development.
Republic of Senegal, a women inclusivity territorial approach
Partnership between IPAR, one of the first West African think tanks on agriculture and rural world, and LDN Advisory has been engaged to consider a territorial integrated Land Degradation Neutrality – LDN project that will include a strong women inclusivity approach.