Our Engagement Model

This charter defines the vision and our 5 principles of action that govern the selection and conduct of our activities and actions. It serves as a common reference for the partners within the LDN Advisory network, including investors, shareholders, and members of our Network. Our commitment is to generate impactful returns while striking the optimal balance between community value and investor returns, ensuring our projects make a meaningful and lasting contribution to ecological restoration and sustainability.

Our vision

LDN Advisory is at the forefront of pioneering an asset management fund initiative, strategically mobilizing financial resources to spearhead market-driven land rehabilitation projects. Recognizing the intricate links between land degradation, biodiversity loss, and climate change, we confront these challenges head-on through an integrated approach that actively engages in the restoration of ecosystems facing degradation, damage, or destruction. Our collective efforts aim to foster a resilient environment, contributing to the well-being of current and future generations.

Our Focus on Sustainable Restoration

LDN Advisory dedicates its efforts to supporting both public and private entities involved in large-scale degraded land restoration projects. By reintegrating spaces into natural ecosystems, our projects aim to provide essential ecosystem services, reduce production costs, and enhance the resilience of agricultural and forestry systems. The success of our approach lies in our unwavering commitment to sustainable development values, ensuring an equitable distribution of project revenues among stakeholders and leveraging cutting-edge technologies grounded in experience and innovation.

The Integrated Regenerative (IR) Approach

Recognizing the occasional conflicts between environmental and economic objectives, LDN Advisory has formulated the « Integrated Regenerative – IR » approach. Our IR approach aligns stakeholders’ restoration goals with practical strategies that comprehensively address the environmental, social, and economic facets of a specific project. By mobilizing sustainable agriculture markets, payments for environmental goods and services, and carbon offset mechanisms, our IR approach allows projects to restore or preserve degraded ecosystems.

Innovative Technologies for Ecosystem Restoration

LDNA technology partners utilize cutting-edge New Space technologies, such as Remote Sensing and Earth Observation with advanced satellites, for ecosystem restoration. These innovations provide high-resolution imagery and comprehensive data on soil and plant composition, establishing a historical baseline and enabling ongoing ecosystem monitoring. Digital twin technology, incorporating the Internet of Things, allows real-time data collection and virtual models replicating ecosystem dynamics, aiding in simulations for restoration planning. In the context of carbon and goods traceability, New Space and Digital Twin technologies ensure transparency, accountability, and trust.

Stakeholder Engagement for Sustainable Impact

The LDNA team emphasizes the critical role of early stakeholder engagement in ecosystem restoration projects, drawing on extensive field experience. By inviting stakeholders from the project’s outset, we build trust and ensure their concerns shape the project design. Actively listening to stakeholders fosters knowledge-sharing, particularly about local ecology and cultural practices, with trust maintained through clear communication. Demonstrating equitable distribution of restoration benefits, including economic gains, improved quality of life, enhanced ecosystem services, and job creation, remains paramount.

The principles of action

LDN Advisory : Commitment to Ecosystem Restoration and Sustainable Impact

1) Ecosystem Restoration Initiatives

LDN Advisory is primarily dedicated to the restoration and preservation of ecosystems crucial for the food security of communities, the well-being of surrounding populations and cities, and the sustainable economic activity of industries. Our actions encompass, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Agro-forestry Systems : These include wetland mangrove forests, mixed forests combining forestry with agriculture, and the cultivation of both export and food crops. Such systems contribute to the reconstitution of organic matter and biodiversity necessary for the development of fish resources and agricultural crops.
  • Eco-Friendly farming : In light of decades of relying heavily on monoculture and widespread use of chemicals, it’s now widely accepted that this farming approach isn’t suitable globally. LDN Advisory aims to promote eco-friendly farming that optimally uses natural resources like soil, water, biodiversity, and carbon. We support technologies that are efficient and accessible to small farmers, emphasizing science-based solutions that increase yields sustainably, considering economic, social, and environmental factors.
  • Livestock Farming Models : We promote models that regenerate degraded soils, pastures, and cultivated fields. Agronomic protocols, such as restoration grazing and ploughless tillage, facilitate soil fertility and water resource restoration.
  • Sustainable Energy Technologies : LDN Advisory supports the provision of sustainable energy access to rural communities, addressing significant expenditure on energy in developing countries and combating deforestation.

2) Empowering Local Communities: The Core of Our Projects

  • Active community involvement and participation in both the actions and governance are deemed essential prerequisites for ensuring the success of our projects. By persuading communities of the initiative’s value and the benefits it brings to their localities, we foster engagement and mobilization. When the community takes ownership of the project, it serves as a solid guarantee that the achieved results will be safeguarded and sustained over the long term.
  • Recognizing the significance of culture : Rural communities face pressures not only environmentally and economically but also from urban influences that can erode social bonds and cultural identity. While acknowledging the need for necessary changes, LDN Advisory emphasizes the vital role of cultural aspects in all development processes. Our programs respect and align with the cultural identity and values of the communities we serve.
  • Strengthening economic autonomy : LDN Advisory’s primary goal is to help families transition from insecurity—relying on food aid, facing annual hunger, migration, and social disintegration—toward economic self-sufficiency. Many small producers encounter a significant barrier in accessing markets. In addition to our efforts in food-producing ecosystems, LDN Advisory collaborates with partners to enhance market knowledge, organize producers, improve marketing methods, and increase the value of products. This aims at benefiting local and regional markets, addressing the challenge of market access for small-scale producers.
  • LDN Advisory Extension services in three essential areas: technology (with adaptable and robust science-based solutions in planting material, mechanization, renewable energies, etc.), organization (improving program governance and supporting group organization, cooperatives, etc.), and economics (providing assistance through micro-finance, supporting small farms or family businesses, improving price and cost management, and facilitating market access and processing)

3) Three Interrelated Objectives :

  • Ecological Objective : Restoration and enhancement of natural ecosystems, along with supporting agricultural and livestock farming practices that balance increased food resources and income with low environmental impact and sustainable resource management.
  • Economic Objective: Improving food security for small producers, enhancing autonomy through appropriate agronomic practices and technologies, and providing clean water and sustainable agricultural produce to surrounding cities and industries.
  • Social Objective: Considering the social impact in terms of farmers’ revenue, access to essential goods, the condition of women and young girls, and the social and cultural cohesion of communities.

In each project we support, LDN Advisory seeks to strengthen synergies among the three objectives, cultivating a balance between benefits for local communities and project investors. This approach is crucial for securing the sustained engagement required by forestry and agriculture for long-term success.

4) Unlocking Success through Professional Excellence :

  • Scaling Successful Projects Give : Selecting and equipping successful pilot projects with the means and capacity to be scaled up significantly.
  • Tech-driven excellence : Technology is indispensable for ensuring the successful implementation and monitoring of degraded land restoration projects, with LDNA leveraging advanced New Space technologies and Digital Twin innovation for comprehensive data collection, real-time monitoring, and transparent traceability.
  • Crucial R&D Collaboration : Grassroots organizations play a key role in the success of LDN Advisory-funded projects, selected for their ecosystem knowledge, community mobilization skills, and project management expertise. Additionally, LDN Advisory engages high-level experts to contribute scientific knowledge for project validation and effective oversight.

5) Mobilizing Resources for Sustainable Impact :

LDN Advisory mobilizes financial resources, skills, and capabilities to achieve jointly established objectives with the fund’s investors and NGO partners:

  • Value for Communities and Investors: Programs aim to provide communities with resources from restored ecosystems while generating returns for investors.
  • Competitive Production Costs: LDN Advisory designs programs to achieve environmental and social goals at a competitive price, seeking additional funding if required.
  • Certification/Impact Measurement: Mobilizing resources and external expertise for agricultural produce certification and impact measurement in target areas.
  • Capitalizing on Replicable Models: Capitalizing on replicable models and developing methods and processes for replication in various contexts.